At Looks Exports we ensure all our products are treated with utmost care so that our clients always receive the best. However, if you are not satisfied with the product please contact our client servicing person and we would be happy to assist you with the issue. We do not offer refunds on our products, but would be glad to offer you an exchange.

Terms and Conditions

All returns (if at all) should be notified to Looks Exports via e-mail within 7 days, from the date of delivery.
The product you wish to return (if at all) must be unused, unwashed, undamaged, and in its original packed condition.
Merchandise that is damaged due to the buyer’s negligence or merchandise with tags removed cannot be accepted at all.
Upon verification that the returned product is undamaged and unused and labels not removed, the replacement would be honoured by way stock

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)